Tuesday, August 18, 2009

1000 Words ASS TASK 1

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Reflective Synopsis

The roles of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in school classrooms are becoming increasingly prominent, because of the need for children to develop skills that will empower them in modern society and because of the potential value of such technologies as tools for learning. One of the challenges facing educators is how to ensure that graduate teachers have the necessary combination of skills and pedagogical knowledge that will enable them to both effectively use today’s technologies in the classroom as well as continue to develop and adapt to new technologies that emerge in the
future (Gill & Dalgarno, 2008.)

ICTs are evolving technologies that are rapidly changing and finding their way into our classrooms. When ICTs are used interactively by students within the classroom this promotes lifelong learning surrounded by the environment of a society in the 21st century. The potential for enhancement of the “quality of the learning experience” and the transformation of pedagogy are other factors driving ICT integration in classrooms (McNair & Galanouli, 2002, p. 182.) In addition to this, the next generation of students are often referred to as the ‘Net Generation’, and are expecting the integration of Web 2.0 technologies into their learning and teaching programs (Thompson, 2007).

As a Pre-Service Teacher I have realised that I am conscious of my incompetence when it comes to computers and the resources that can be used within a classroom. Undertaking this course has enabled me to experience a vast range of tools and resources that can be used to actively engage students in meaningful learning experiences. Please refer to the individual blogs for explicit detail on each learning tool and the potential of classroom applications.

Keirsley & Schneirdeman’s engagement theory has emerged from experiencing teaching in electronic and distance education environments (see Shneiderman, 1994, 1998; & Kearsley, 1997). This fundamental idea of underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks. While in principle, such engagement could occur without the use of technology. Keirsley & Schneirdeman, (1997) believe that technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise. Therefore the engagement theory is intended to be a conceptual framework for technology-based learning and teaching (Kearsley,1997.)

This engagement theory is consistent with constructivist approaches as it emphasises collaboration amongst peers and other learners. Engaging in learning means that all student activities involve active cognitive processes such as creating, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. In addition, students are intrinsically motivated to learn due to the meaningful nature of the learning environment and activities (Brady, 2006.)

The ICT tools that are listed under the heading of ‘Engagement Theory’ are appropriate to be used in the classroom by teachers and students to promote collaborative learning that are project based with an authentic focus. These tools encourage students to be in control of their learning whilst using complex thinking processes (Keirsley & Schneiderman, 1998.)

Tools such as Weebly, WebQuests, Ed.Heads, Voki, PowerPoint, Slideshare and Mahara can be used to create meaningful collaborative learning experiences that are student centred with minimum teacher input.Learning designs refer to a range of ways of creating student learning experiences, (a sequence of types of activities and interactions.) A learning design can be considered the framework that supports student learning experiences. (Oliver, 1999.)

Learning designs are currently implemented with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Oliver (1999) argues that a learning design comprises the following key elements:
• Tasks that learners are required to do.
• Resources that support learners to conduct the task.
• Support mechanisms that exist from a teacher implementing it.

Hence the term ‘learning design’ is used to describe the various frameworks that can be used to guide the design and choice of these three elements in the development of learning experiences for students, predominantly ICT-mediated learning experiences (Oliver, 1999.)

As a Pre- service teacher this Learning Design Framework is relevant to all planning of all learning experiences, units of work, assessment pieces and rich tasks. When planning meaningful learning experiences it will be imperative to select appropriate ICT tools for ‘Tasks, Resources and Support Mechanisms’ that will be relevant and beneficial to the students (Oliver, 1999.)

For example when planning an integrated unit on WATER, tools such as; WebQuests, Vokis, Weebly, Bubbl.us, Slideshare, PowerPoint, Pod casts, Videos, Wikipedia, Ning, Ed.Heads and Mahara can be well utilised for the ‘Tasks, Resources and Support” .

The Active Learning Framework relates to Edgar Dale’s cone of Experience (Dale, 1969) conveys similar ideas on learning in a graphic form. Dale proposed that learning is inspired progressively from concrete to abstract and believed that the foundation for instruction depended upon direct sensory experiences combined with purposeful interaction with stimuli sources (Martin, Arendale and Blanc, 1997.)

When incorporating ICTs within a classroom on a frequent basis this assists students in constructing meaning so they can learn at a deeper level. Active learning must be imbedded into every learning experience. Students retain more information by deeper the learning and reading, listening to a lecture, viewing a chart or graph, observing a demonstration, participating in a discussion, presenting a simulation, or engaging in an activity. The idea is that the more involved a student is in the process the better the recall of the new knowledge learnt (Martin, Arendale and Blanc, 1997.)


Brady, L. (2006) Collaborative learning in action. Frenchs Forest, State of New South Wales,
Australia: Pearson Education.
Dale, E. (1969). Audiovisual Methods in Teaching. Holt, Rinehart and Winston:
Austin, TX.
Gill, L. & Dalgarno, B. (2008). Influences on pre-service teachers’ preparedness to use
ICTs in the classroom. In Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational
technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008. Retrieved 16 August, 2009. from:
Kearsley, G. (1997). The Virtual Professor: A Personal Case Study. Retrieved 16 August, 2009.
from http://home.sprynet.com/~gkearsley/virtual.htm
McNair, V. & Galanouli, D. (2002). Information and communications technology in teacher
education: can a reflective portfolio enhance reflective practice? Technology,
Pedagogy and Education, 11(2), 181-196
Martin, D.C., Arendale, D. and Blanc, R.A. (1997). Mainstreaming of Developmental
Education: Supplemental Instruction and Video-based Supplemental
.Instruction. In H. Levin (Ed.), Alternatives to Developmental Education. San
Fransisco: Jossey Bass.
Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for on-line teaching and learning. Distance Education,
20(2), 240-254.
Shneiderman, B. (1994) Education by Engagement and Construction: Can Distance Education
be Better than Face-to-Face? Retrieved 16 August, 2009. from:
Shneiderman, B. (1988), Relate-Create-Donate: An educational philosophy for the cyber-
generation. Computers & Education, in press.
Thompson, J. (2007). Is education 1.0 ready for web 2.0 students? Innovate: Journal of Online
Education. Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern
University. 3(4), Retrieved August 15, 2009, from:

ICT Pedagogical Tool Table

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I have created some tables to organise all the tools that I have explored.

Engagement Theory
(Keirsley & Schneiderman, 1998)

Relate (Collaborative Groups)

Animations / Simulations
Voice Thread
Mahara / E.Portfolios

Create (Project-Based)


Donate (Authentic Focus)

Vodcasting / Podcasting

Active Learning Framework
(Dale’s Cone, 1954.)


Static Websites
Google Earth





Learning Design Framework
(Oliver, 1999)


Media Fire
Google Reader
My Learning Style
My Temperament
My EBook
Google Earth / Maps
Animations / Simulations
Digital Pen
Interactive Whiteboards
Static Websites



Animations and Stimulations
Learning Management Systems
Static Websites

This is how I view these tools related to the theories that I will be discussing in my 1000 words.
'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

MyEbook is a site where you can "Create, Publish and Share" (MyEbook, 2008) your creations such as a brochures, photo albums, magazines,novels and comics. It is completely free to register and use this site. When you have registered you have unlimited access to anything that has been created and submitted by fellow users from around the world (MyEbook, 2008.)

There are a wide range of categories that can be searched are MyEBook covers a wide range of genres as well. A teacher can create her own EBook to present information to the students in a classroom (MyEbook, 2008.) MyEbook can be used by students to create their own EBook on topics that they are interested in, genres they are interested in the format that they chose. This provides students a sense of ownership of their learning (MyEbook, 2008.)

Have a look at this site you will be amazed.. MyEbook


MyEbook.Ltd, 2008. http://www.myebook.com/

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Bubbl.us is a free web site that lets you brainstorm online and is straightforward to use for any teacher or student. When using Bubbl.us teachers and students can create colourful mind maps (graphic organiser) online, share or create work with friends, embed mind maps to blogs or websites, email / print out the mind map, and save the mind map as an image (Bubbl.us, 2009.)

Bubbl.us is a tool is that it is not disorganised and any level of computer user can use this tool. When mind maps are created on a blackboard or a whiteboard they become cramped and disorganised, yet when using Bubbl.us it is a neat process where thoughts can be added or taken away by the click of a mouse (Bubbl.us.)

Bubbl.us would be useful resource in any classroom as it allows learners to work collaboratively to create mind maps that are colourful and easy for everyone to read and understand (Bubbl.us, 2009.)

Have a go at Bubbl.us

Bubbl.us, 2009. http://bubbl.us/

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Weebly is a fantastic free site that allows teachers, students or anyone to create their own websites or WebQuests. This is site can be used in any classroom for many reasons. As a teacher I would use Weebly in the classroom in any Key Learning Area for any purpose such as the introduction of a unit, in the middle of a unit and at the end of the unit (Weebly, Inc. 2009.)

Weebly can be used as a simple class website, a teachers site for students to access, a student’s site for teachers to access and for WebQuests. The Weebly site offers many templates and styles to cater for any learner. Weebly could also be utilised in conjunction with other ICTs to enhance students' learning (Weebly, Inc. 2009.)


Weebly, Inc. 2009. Create a Free Website. Retrieved 15 August, 2009. from:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Ed Heads

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Ed heads is a flash interactive / simulation site with a motto of "Activate your mind" (Ed Heads, 2009.) The interactive activities that are available from this site can be great resources that teachers can use within the classroom on an interactive whiteboard or simply in the computer room where each student is able to access the activities themselves (Ed Heads, 2009.)

Edheads assit students to learn via educational games and activities designed to meet state and national standards. The activities use a number of techniques that help to cater for most learning styles, for example: visual, audio and kinaesthetic (Ed Heads, 2009.)

So dive into an activity to let the fun and learning begin! Ed Heads

Ed Heads, 2009. Activate your mind. Retrieved 14 August, 2009. from:

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Legal, Safe and Ethical practice

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Legal, safe and ethical practice online is a major concern that teachers need to be aware of if when using ICT's within their classroom. Classroom teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students are safe whilst using any ICT and are liable for anything that may happen when online that causes harm, discomfort or distress to their students (Education Queensland, 2009.)

Therefore it is imperitave that teachers stay current with the laws of operating online. Main points to remember while operating online is the 10% rule: For most sites and CD-Roms 10% can be copied, printed, downloaded, published or shown (in the classroom and on computers) (Education Queensland, 2009.)

Educational Purposes rule: If teachers are using resources for educational purposes then it is suitable.
Reference: Relevant information that is taken from somewhere else and is not original must be referenced.
Consent: If students' work or pictures are to be displayed online then a consent form must be signed by the parent or guardian.
Netiquette: Teachers and students need to be clear of the boundaries when commenting on others work or images.
Quality Assured: Education Queensland has sites that are quality assured so that no unwanted content is accessed by the students. These sites are unavaibale to all education computers and cannot be accessed at all.(Education Queensland, 2009.)


Education Queensland, 2009. Retrieved 12 August, 2009. From: http://education.qld.gov.au/

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Digital Pen

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

A digital pen is a small device that is portable and can be used anywhere. A digital pen can be used to write, sketch or draw on any piece of paper. The capture device attaches to the top of a normal page. The digital pen contains a flash memory that captures the information that is being written or drawings and stores the information so that later on you can transfer the data via a standard USB port into a word document (ASI Solutions, 2005.)

This is a great tool for students who are not so tech savvy, do not have computer at home, cannot comprehend how to use a computer or who cannot type. By having one of these pens it enables all students to be involved in the use of ICT's in the classroom (ASI Solutions, 2005.)

The digital pen stores hundreds of pages of handwritten text and drawings as well as image, music and video. The digital pen can be used at work, at home, on the road and in the office.As well as being used in the Enterprise area where staff are on the road, at meetings and even filling in forms (ASI Solutions, 2005.)


ASI Solutions, 2005. Digital Pen Retrieved 15 August, 2009, from:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Ning has a Home Page as well as other pages that can be included such as chat rooms, forum rooms, blog pages, members pages, pages for pictures and videos, and discussion rooms.

This site can be used by students to upload their work and creations of any sort, as well as a class newsletter to inform students on what is happening within the classroom. Ning can be for students to work on their assignments and then the teacher can watch their progress (formative assessment).

It can also be utilised to set up a WebQuest for a unit of work that is taking place in the classroom as it can be used to host all the relevant information provided. Students' parents can access ning to view the progress of their child. This site can also be used within the whole school context also with each teacher having access and sharing their resources and ideas. This site you would have to have password protected so that it is quality insured and no one form that public can post anything that is unsuitable.

Ning is a site that has multiple communication tools and is like a "project room" in the learning place (http://education.qld.gov.au/learningplace/).

"Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Incompetech is a site that enables music downloads that are safe, legal and ethical. This search engine can be used in the classroom for students to add music and sounds to their learning, assessments, slideshows and power points. Incompetech is a great site to use in the classroom as it is legal for teqachers and students to download music or sounds.

Have a browse around and see what you can find on Incomptech

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Animations and Simulations

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Animations and simulations offer advantages over print based material when it comes to complex interactions and concepts in a wide range of Key Learning Areas. Educational Simulation provides a virtual experience which is based on a real-world scenario that would otherwise be dangerous, expensive or even impossible to access (CQU, 2009.)

Utilising animations within learning experiences create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students as they are able to gain newfound knowledge, skills and concepts. Students can use these tools collaboratively or individually within an interactive classroom (CQU, 2009.)

Animations and Simulations are beneficial because they are web-based and can be accessed by students out of the classroom. It is obvious that these tools would engage all students which would result in gaining knowledge, understanding and skills in a real life learning context (Duffy & Cunningham, 1996.)


CQU (2009). Teacher Deliveries Technology. Retrieved 15 August from http://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=671

Duffy, T. & Cunningham, D. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the Design and Delivery of Instruction. In D.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

‘Participation is not optional’

A VoiceThread allows every student in a class to easily record audio
commentary about the ideas and experiences that are important to them.
Whether it’s an event, a project, or a milestone, students can tell their story in
their own voice,and then share it with the world (VoiceThread, 2009.)

VoiceThread allows teachers and students to create in-depth discussions around image/s through a number of ways of communication. Students' comments can be uploaded in various ways such as by microphone, telephone, typing it in (text), uploading what you have written in a word doc or pre-recorded, and webcam (VoiceThread, 2009.)

Teachers and students can preview and edit what has been recorded before publishing it. Students can also comment on images to bring attention to a certain point/part. This tool can be used to share students' ideas with people and experts from around the world which promotes collobarative learning and social interaction (VoiceThread, 2009.)

VoiceThread.com is a web-based communications network for K-12 students and educators within an accountable environment where all users on the network are known users, responsible for their content and behaviour. Restricted to K-12 educators, students and administrators, all content is created or vetted by registered members of the community (VoiceThread, 2009.)

VoiceThread, 2009. Voice Threads in the Classroom. Retrieved 15 August, 2009, from: http://voicethread.com/image/voicethreads_in_the_classroom.pdf

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

WebQuests can be used in many ways to cater for the needs of all students. WebQuests are an ICT inquiry-based activity where all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed for learners to use their time effectively and productively focusing on using relevant information instead of wasting time looking for it (WebQuest Direct, 2009.)

WebQuests are designed to provide students with learning that requires them to think in the top three levels of Blooms - ' Analyse, Evaluate and Design' (Bloom - Popet, 2004.) WebQuests are also designed for minimum teacher input and maximum student interaction. While interacting in WebQuests students work collaboratively in pairs or groups thus working on their interpersonal skills (Productive Pedagogies, 2002.)

WebQuests can be accessed and shared by teachers thus it being a great resource tool for teachers. WebQuests are an effective learning tool that any teacher can use in any Key Learning Area at any time during a unit. WebQuests are also great to use at for a summative assessment task (WebQuest Direct, 2009.)

View this WebQuest site for great ideas:


Department of Education. (2002). Productive Pedagogies: Classroom reflection manual. Retrieved August 14, 2009, from: http://education.qld.gov.au/public_media/reports curriculum-framework/productive-pedagogies/

Popet, 2004 Retrieved 15 August, 2009, from: http://www.popet.com.au/pages/highorderthinking.html

WebQuest Direct, 2009 Retrieved 15 August, 2009, from: http://www.webquestdirect.com.au/whatis_use.asp

On-line File Storage / MediaFire

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

On-line file storage is a great tool as it enables the safe storage of any documents, pictures and videos online.So if any computer breaks down or decides to delete everything all stored files are stored in an online account.

MediaFire provides online file storage. This site can be utilised in the classroom to ensure that all students work is safe and will not be lost. This can be used on a weekly or daily basis and be added into the class routine that at a certain time on a certain day the students back up their files. This also ensures that the students can access their files where ever they are. So if they create something at school it can then be accessed at home through their online storage.

MediaFire provides a free and simple way to store data that is easily accessible wherever the internet is. It is safe because if your computer and/or flash drive crash you do not have to worry about all of your information being lost.

To take a look at MediaFire


MediaFire, 2009, http://www.mediafire.com/

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Classmarker is a site where you can create online quizzes for any Key Learning Area. Any teacher can utilise this site to create exciting online quizzes/tests that can be used for formative of summative assessment for any student.

The quizzes can be link directly to a website or email, and can contain random quiz questions and set time limits. The quiz results are also emailed to the quiz owner, images can be added to quizzes. Quizzes include: multiple choice, true false, free text, short answer, fill in the blank and punctuation.

Teachers can also provide resources that students need to complete the test and add them to a folder. Students can create their own quizzes for any Key Learning Area or gather information for an assignment.

This site encourages students to make choices and work collaboratively.


ClassMarker, 2009, http://www.classmarker.com/

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Static Websites

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

A static web site is like an online brochure giving information about your organisation, your products, services and contacts. It normally does not contain interactive functionality, and updates to content and images are done by a web developer with HTML skills (Multibase, 2008.)

The content of a static website can only be modified by the web developer. Static Website can be seen as online brochures or catalogues (BDigital, 2005.)

Static websites are used by companies to provide information about thier business, product descriptions and information about the services that they offer. They also provide contact details so that customers can enquiry about any extra information that they may need (BDigital, 2005.)

Advantages of a static web site are:
Can be developed fast when small
May be cheaper for initial development if small
Pages are often delivered fast because the HTML code for each page is very simple (Multibase, 2008.)

Disadvantages of a static web site are:
Information becomes rapidly outdated. This might damage your image rather than help it
An unchanging site is not be friendly for search engines as one with changing content
Does not encourage visitors to return for the latest information, and they may wonder whether you are an active business
If there are many pages, the initial investment can be higher than a dynamic web site
Static web sites can be expensive to maintain, once you start updating them. You will need to pay a developer for even minor changes
Static web sites are prone to errors. The larger the site becomes, the more difficult it is to maintain and you end up with dead links or other technical errors
The value of the initial investment may be lost if, like most web site owners, you decide to replace it in the future with a more interactive site(Multibase, 2008.)

This is a tool that I would not use too often as it has too many disadvantages compared to advantages and I would not want to waste resource funds.


BDigital 2005, http://www.bdigital.biz/index.php

Multibase WebAustralis, 2008, http://www.mbase.com.au/Services/Websitedevelopment/Staticwebsites/tabid/324/Default.aspx

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Flickr is an online storage site for images that can be uploaded by anyone who has an account with flickr. This is a great resource for students as it provides a number of pictures which can be borrowed for use. Flickr can be easily used to upload important images taken of students work during the span of a unit to be used in a final assessment task.

The site is easily accessible and easy to use for most students without the need for excessive amounts of teacher input it also invites student collaboration and participation. Students would however need to be taught about copyright laws and protection which may inhibit them from using images that are not their own.

I think this could be a great site for storing images for students to access not only at school, but also at home. This is a valuable resource for students and would also allow groups to see things from different perspectives as other groups post different pictures on the site.

I have found great tips on this site Using flickr.com in the Classroom

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mahara Account / E.Portfolio

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

E-Portfolios can be used for a variety of reasons from a collection of academic achievement of students throughout a unit to a complex professional portfolio. E-Portfolios are managed by the user and can contain various types of evidence such as photos, voice recordings, videos, documents, PowerPoints and hyperlinks just to name a few.

E-Portfolios allow their users to compile information that they believe is important for the purpose of the folio. E-Portfolios sites (Mahara) are an excellent resource that teachers can utilise in the classroom in many ways.

E - portfolios can be used to compile evidence on a students learning journey throughout a unit, they can be used to compile evidence on how a students is progressing over the school year, they can be used by the students for assignment purposes, and they can be used for moderation purposes in the classroom.

E-Portfolios are a collection of work and information that represents an individuals' efforts, progress and achievements over time. An E-Portfolio indicates evidence of the attainment of knowledge, skills and attitudes, includes self-reflection, and is a effective tool for facilitating life-long learning as well as career development.


Miers, J. (2005). Professional eportfolios in Education: A definition. Retrieved August 12, 2009. from: http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jmresources/ePortfolio.htm

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that allows anyone to contribute and instantly modify content of the web browser page. There are stringent guidelines/rules and moderators to keep the information accurate and avoid breaches of copyright.

Wikipedia as a resource for students is quick, exhaustive and easy reference and allows students to develop background knowledge in subject areas. Wikipedia's knowledge and images are covered by the creative commons license agreement and such allows educational use and repackaging ability for the students.

Wikipedia's information can be updated by anyone in the public therefore students need to be weary of its contents when researching a topic. Students need to be aware that this information can be updated at any time by anyone.


Carvin, A. 2008, Wikipedia in the Classroom: Consensus Among Educators?, Retrieved 15th August, 2009 From: http://www.pbs.org/teachers/learning.now/2006/07/wikipedia_in_the_classroom_con.html

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are sites such as Blackboard and Moodle and are used by course coordinators, tutors and teachers to upload course content and any resources or activities that they want their students to access. Learning Management Systems offer a single platform that delivers content, manages assessment, provides communication forums and virtual collaboration spaces for students.

Learning Management Systems can be set up for students to access unit content, project content or WebQuests and many more applications. Teachers can upload Voki's and other interactive learning activities that can create further engagement and excitement for students in their learning.

Learning Management Systems can cater to different educational requirements as well as virtual learning environments that are used by educational institutions. The virtual learning environment could be used by teachers to manage their content and exchange information with students for a Key Learning Area / unit that in most cases will last several weeks and will meet several times during those weeks.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Wikipedia, 2009. Learning Management Systems, Retrieved 14th August, 2009 from:

Interactive Whiteborads

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Classroom interaction between pupil and teacher is important, but so is interaction between pupil and technology. Interactive whiteboards (IWB) are becoming increasingly useful with a wide range of software to help teachers to scaffold various Key Learing Areas in new and stimulating ways.

An interactive whiteboard is a whiteboard that is used via a computer and projector connection. Interactive whiteboards allow for student and teacher to adjust work as they are going and can be used to cater for all different types of learning styles. They also allow for learning to be moved from teacher directed to student directed learning.

This YouTube clip describes interactive whiteboards can be used effectively within in a classroom.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

YouTube is a website that contains a multitude of clips that can be accessed by anyone who has access to the internet. YouTube would be a very useful tool as long as the content of the clip is relevant and the credibility was checked before using the YouTube clip in a classroom setting.

Teachers can use YouTube clips to present or compliment new information to students. YouTube clips could be used by students for assessment pieces.

Please watch this YouTube clip about Recycling

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Voki allows users to create talking avatars for a wide variety of uses.Voki characters can be embedded into blogs or websites and can be utilised as a way of greeting their readers. Voki users are able to choose the appearance of their character.

When students or teachers are creating vokis they are able to select from a variety of options for inputting voice (including microphone or text-to-speech), backgrounds are able to be customised to create a sense of a personal environment, with options including pre-loaded environments or the ability to upload images (great for integration into travel blogs, for example).

The use of Vokis in the classroom would be interesting as it is a tool that students can create and express themselves with. The program itself is very interesting and easy to use, and could be integrated into any curriculum. The special thing that I can see this tool doing is allowing students with any speech disabilities to be able to interact and express themselves and let their voice be heard.

Log on and have a go!

Get a Voki now!

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Vanderloos, B., Slattery, C., and Modra, M. 2008, Computers in Education Retreived 15th August, 2009 from: http://cegsa.editme.com/voki#whatis

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

TagCrowd is a web application for visualizing word frequencies in any user-supplied text by creating what is popularly known as a tag cloud or text cloud.
This is an interesting tool that could be used in any literacy lesson incorporating key words, spelling words or any words. This program changes text from normal to......

created at TagCrowd.com

An interesting affect to some simple words that can be created by any student or teacher.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Picnik / Image Manipulation

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Look at my BEFORE picture.....

This is my AFTER picture that I altered using picnik.com....

Anyone can do it to, just go to http://www.picnik.com/

This tool is very interesting and allows various changes to be made to any photo.
Students could use this tool to create imagesthat match any occasion. Students can also experiment on changing images into black and white and other different backgrounds.Pictures can be stored within the wbsite online without the need of saving them onto a dics or usb.

Please view the slideshare Picnik powerpoint that I have attached that is all about picnik and its features...

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Slideshare is a website that anyone can 'share' their powerpoints with the rest of the world. The concept of slideshare is very similiar to YouTube. A place where you can share something that you have created and in this case it is powerpoints and use if it suits the need of the seeker.This tool could be used for:

Publish their own created powerpoints
Use this site to submit Powerpoints for assessment

Can access students' work at any time to check how their task is progressing and to ascertain which students may require help
Save time by using prepared powerpoints for lessons

This tool has a disadvantange which is similar to wikis and that is that anyone can add anything they want to powerpoints displayed on slideshare. This type of occurance would cause your students to access content that you do not believe suitable for school aged children.

As a teacher I would sparingly use this particular tool in the classroom for students. I would personally use it more so I could find powerpoints for students to use rather then for students search and upload their own.

Slideshare hosts services for PowerPoint presentations, sharing web-sites, provides social activities such as commenting and grouping and is an extensive source to teacher information sharing and collaboration.


Commonwealth of Asutraslia, 2008. Designing and implementing E-Learning, Retrieved 14th August, 2009, from: http://designing.flexiblelearning.net.au/index.htm

'Til next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Powerpoint has been in use for quite a while but has become a technical tool that can be well utilised within a classroom.

Powerpoints can be used for:

Create a powerpoint for an assessment piece
Create a science journal in the form of a powerpoint
Place photos on their powerpoints
Incorporate music into powerpoints

Display new knowledge for visual students to be scaffolded to students
Set tasks to be completed in the form of a Powerpoint instead of a written assignment
Create mind maps and graphic organisers

Here is a YouTube Powerpoint Tutorial for you to view...

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Wikis in the Classroom

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

A Wiki can be used as a website, forum or blog that can be accessed by 'followers' and also used as a whole class website. There are various ways a Wiki can enhance any learning that is taking place. When a Wiki is used for a whole class each student can have their 'OWN' page, which always excites them because their teacher is confident in their ability.

A Wiki page can be used for;
Student - Personal reflections, assignment submissions for individual or group assignments
Group collaboration as well as social interaction and support

Teacher - A central place for relevant content on various tasks for students to access

The main disadvantage with a Wiki is that it allows users to edit and instantly modify pages within a browser window. These actions can cause frustration, extra work and also take up crucial time for students and teachers. Any changes can be restored and nuisance editors can be blocked.


Dept of Education, 2009. Wikis in the Classroom. Retrieved 9th August, 2009 from:

"Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Uni Map

Hello Fellow bloggers,

View My Uni Spot in a larger map

Google earth and maps is a program that I knew about but i have only used the maps side of it prior to this tute. After exploring these tools I realised that incorporating them within a classroom would be an engaging for a variety of Key Learning Areas.

Google Earth can be utilised for various tasks such as;
Spacial awarness - Top and Bottom of Earth from satellite photos
Global features - Picture of earth - measure distances
Compare different places - land use, agriculture, habitation and population
Follow and compare different rivers e.g. The Nile and The Amazon
Spin the globe on an Interactive Whiteboard

Google Maps
Print maps - recognising street names (turn left or right into Brown Street)
Plan excursions - Collaborative, Student choices and real to students
Research - Land use in local areas, Human impact on local beaches

These tools can be used anywhere within a unit of work and can be used in conjunction with many other applications.


Collision. M, Using Google Earth and Google Maps with Blogs/Wikis. Retreived 15th August, 2009 from:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My video

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Please see the video that we made in our tute today... A little different...Enjoy...


This was made from a Windows Movie Maker Program that is straightforward for students to use. This tool could be used by students for reflections, assessment or record of research. This is an engaging tool that students can practice using their own initiative and tap into their creative side to create meaningful movies.

Windows Movie Maker can also be used by teachers to present new information to the students in an engaging, interesting and exciting way. Students that can see their teacher involved in a 'movie' will engage in learning as students will want to be in a movie as well. This is a collaborative tool that is engaging and allows students to make choices for themselves about the finished product.

I have added a powerpoint from Slideshare.net for you to watch that shows you how easy it can be to incorporate this ICT tool within your classroom.


Oliver, R. (1999), Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999), Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 14, 2009. from: http://home.sprynet.com/~gkearsley/engage.htm

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

My feedburner url

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

FeedBurner is a web feed management provider. FeedBurner provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers. Services provided to publishers include traffic analysis and an optional advertising system.

As a teacher I could set up a feedburner for my class and then everything that the students input onto their blogs or wiki's can be stored on the feedburner. This can be advantegous if students are saving their assignments on their blog as this information will be stored onto the feedburner site.


Google Feedburner, Retrieved 14th, August, 2009 from:


This is the link to my feedburner... take a look if you like.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging.

My podcast / vodcast

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Please subscribe to my podcast if you are interested... Some interesting listening.

This tool would be excellent for getting different information from various students, whilst observing practical learning situations and not missing vital information whilst writing notes. Podcasts can be used to pass on information to all students and then get their thoughts and comments which encourages continual learning within the classroom.

Students can obtain new skills such as:

Technical skills needed to record a high-quality podcast.
Brainstorming, and design the themes and content of their Podcast with teacher guidance.
Complete pre-production, production, and post-production of their Podcast.
Project management skills, Podcasting technical skills, and actively use the Podcast as a medium for positive student expression.

An interesting YouTube about podcasting for Teachers


A vodcast is a podcast that contains video content. The term vodcast comes from the combination of the words "video" and "podcast". Video podcasts may also be referred to as vidcasts.In order to watch a vodcast, you need a podcatcher capable of playing video(such as iTunes).

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Podcasting in the Government Classroom, Retrieved from
14th August, 2009.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Temperament

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

After completing the questionairre on url:

I was a ESFJ which is a guardian.

All Guardians (SJs) share the following core characteristics:
Guardians pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working.
Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions. Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice.

This information came from 'The Jung Typology Test' this tool could be utilised within the classroom to allow students to discover their individual strengths and weaknesses. This would enable the students to focus on what skills they need to practice and improve on. For example: Social skills if a student improved thier social skills their may be a stronger team member when it comes to oral presentations, debates or just collaborative learning environments (Quenck, 1999.)

Quenck,N. Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

My Learning Style

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

This is my learning style...

MY Results
These are the results of your inventory. The scores are out of 20 for each style. A score of 20 indicates you use that style often.
Style Scores
Visual - 15
Social - 17
Physical - 16
Aural - 15
Verbal - 16
Solitary -17
Logical - 16

Memletic Learning Styles Graph:

My results are quite similar I am a hands on learner and enjoy working with others.

This is a great tool for teachers to use to check what type of learners may be in their classroom to assist with the managing and organising resources and what strategies to use when planning lessons to assist students to achieve learning outcomes.

This is an authentic tool that students use by making choices and is a reflection of a multiple of perspectives.
You can access this website by clicking on the title ( My Learning Style)

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Google Reader / Rss Aggregator

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Google reader is a tool that can be used by teacher and students to subscribe to various sites that are related to relevant KLA's or topics of interest that may be current in the classroom environment. This tool will save time as teacher and students can check for up to date information on one site insted of searching on various sites.

It is also another form of booking favourite websites, with the abilities to mark read and unread material so that users are not rereading old information. This tool brings the information to you you do not have to look for it.

Great for students that have a large subscription to educationl sites for research for assessments.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Google Reader Team (tutorial)

Delicious bookmarking website for Teachers and Students

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I am excited about discovering "Delicious" . I never knew it existed until our first tute it is so much better than using favourites.

I know that as a teacher I will continue to use this website to create tags for my class and start saving links that my students might find useful or interesting. Share a link of this tag with your students' parents on the class syllabus, class website so that parents can become involved as well. This would also allow teachers to monitor students' research progress (Barsky and Purdon, 2006).

Students will be able to use this collaboration tool to create their own tag and use it for interesting and useful information that they have come across while researching for assignments or if they are participating in group projects this tool will be invaluable as all group members will be able to access all links through a group tag (Barsky and Purdon, 2006.)

This website could be utilised in any Key Learning Area for various applications.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!


Barsky, E & Purdon, M (2006): Introducing Web 2.0: social networking and social bookmarking for health librarians. JCHLA/JABSC 27 (1): 65-67.

Blogs for Teachers and Students

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Blogging and using it as an educational tool

After reading up on blogging and how it can be used in different ways, I think that using Blogging from a teacher's perspective can be used for Tracking of assessments, Planning class events using students ideas and feedback, Using Blogs to encourage higher order thinking among students on various topics posted in new threads from the teacher and being able to watch the responses form the students as well as being able to categorise and manage the learning content to be present to students. Blogs can be very useful to teachers if created with careful planning and providing clear objectives (Williams and Jacobs, 2004.)

For students Blogging is a tool that can enhance collaborative learning and thinking in an engaging and social constructisvt environment as well as allowing students to provide feedback or ask questions on a variety of topics, as well as a way of practicing digital literacy (Williams and Jacobs, 2004.)


Williams, J B and Jacobs, J (2004): Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 20 (2): 232-247.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hi Everyone,
I am nervous yet excited... Hope we all survive and pass this course!!

I have been looking over Moodle and the content of this course and have come across some interesting information....

E. Learning - Equity

E.Learning needs to be equitable in schools and not be disadvantageous to any students and teachers need to embrace this concept and promote it to all children no matter what their background is.

Embracing e learning in Australian Schools (Spender & Stewart, 2002)

Engagement Theory

Students need to be engaged in their (ICT) learning environment as they need to be able to relate to real world problems and situations. Students need to be able to work in small teams and create solutions. The difference is that with (ICT) the solution is donated back to the real world.

Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998)

ICT Learning Design

This project focuses on learning designs implemented with the use of Information and Communication
Technologies. Oliver (1999) argues that a learning design comprises the following key elements:

•Tasks that learners are required to do.
•Resources that support learners to conduct the task.
•Support mechanisms that exist from a teacher implementing it.

Learning designs refer to a variety of ways of designing student learning experiences, that is, a sequence of types of activities and interactions.

Learning designs may be at the level of a subject, or subject components. A learning design can be considered the framework that supports student learning experiences.

Based on Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.

Thus the term learning design is used by this project to describe the various frameworks that can be used to guide the design and choice of these three elements in the development of a learning experience for students, particularly ICT-mediated learning experiences.

So how do we as teachers create engaging, authentic learning experience using ICT? What pedagocial tools will we use?

That is what my blog is about... all the different E.Learning tools that we teachers can use in our classroom to create a meaningful learning journey for our students.

Till next time... Happy blogging!