Monday, July 6, 2009


Hi Everyone,
I am nervous yet excited... Hope we all survive and pass this course!!

I have been looking over Moodle and the content of this course and have come across some interesting information....

E. Learning - Equity

E.Learning needs to be equitable in schools and not be disadvantageous to any students and teachers need to embrace this concept and promote it to all children no matter what their background is.

Embracing e learning in Australian Schools (Spender & Stewart, 2002)

Engagement Theory

Students need to be engaged in their (ICT) learning environment as they need to be able to relate to real world problems and situations. Students need to be able to work in small teams and create solutions. The difference is that with (ICT) the solution is donated back to the real world.

Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998)

ICT Learning Design

This project focuses on learning designs implemented with the use of Information and Communication
Technologies. Oliver (1999) argues that a learning design comprises the following key elements:

•Tasks that learners are required to do.
•Resources that support learners to conduct the task.
•Support mechanisms that exist from a teacher implementing it.

Learning designs refer to a variety of ways of designing student learning experiences, that is, a sequence of types of activities and interactions.

Learning designs may be at the level of a subject, or subject components. A learning design can be considered the framework that supports student learning experiences.

Based on Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.

Thus the term learning design is used by this project to describe the various frameworks that can be used to guide the design and choice of these three elements in the development of a learning experience for students, particularly ICT-mediated learning experiences.

So how do we as teachers create engaging, authentic learning experience using ICT? What pedagocial tools will we use?

That is what my blog is about... all the different E.Learning tools that we teachers can use in our classroom to create a meaningful learning journey for our students.

Till next time... Happy blogging!


  1. Wow my besty Jules goes by JKF as well.

  2. Hey Juls,

    I believe that we will all pass this course. Although it is very difficult and all new, ICT's bring people together and through that collaboration we will all learn together and help each other.

    Already today I feel more confortable with what we have achieved so far and am eager to explore and learn more.

  3. hey Jules, ICT and all the new 'gadgets' coming on the market are setting us up to be life long learners. The changes are fast and furious but with tenacity we can stay abreast with new technology and incorporate it into our pedagogy. Art has some interesting uses for student's visual art diary, instead of writting in the diary progress made for the day, students can add to a blog and other students and teacher can access the students thoughts of the process
