Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Uni Map

Hello Fellow bloggers,

View My Uni Spot in a larger map

Google earth and maps is a program that I knew about but i have only used the maps side of it prior to this tute. After exploring these tools I realised that incorporating them within a classroom would be an engaging for a variety of Key Learning Areas.

Google Earth can be utilised for various tasks such as;
Spacial awarness - Top and Bottom of Earth from satellite photos
Global features - Picture of earth - measure distances
Compare different places - land use, agriculture, habitation and population
Follow and compare different rivers e.g. The Nile and The Amazon
Spin the globe on an Interactive Whiteboard

Google Maps
Print maps - recognising street names (turn left or right into Brown Street)
Plan excursions - Collaborative, Student choices and real to students
Research - Land use in local areas, Human impact on local beaches

These tools can be used anywhere within a unit of work and can be used in conjunction with many other applications.


Collision. M, Using Google Earth and Google Maps with Blogs/Wikis. Retreived 15th August, 2009 from:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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