Monday, July 20, 2009

My podcast / vodcast

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Please subscribe to my podcast if you are interested... Some interesting listening.

This tool would be excellent for getting different information from various students, whilst observing practical learning situations and not missing vital information whilst writing notes. Podcasts can be used to pass on information to all students and then get their thoughts and comments which encourages continual learning within the classroom.

Students can obtain new skills such as:

Technical skills needed to record a high-quality podcast.
Brainstorming, and design the themes and content of their Podcast with teacher guidance.
Complete pre-production, production, and post-production of their Podcast.
Project management skills, Podcasting technical skills, and actively use the Podcast as a medium for positive student expression.

An interesting YouTube about podcasting for Teachers


A vodcast is a podcast that contains video content. The term vodcast comes from the combination of the words "video" and "podcast". Video podcasts may also be referred to as vidcasts.In order to watch a vodcast, you need a podcatcher capable of playing video(such as iTunes).

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Podcasting in the Government Classroom, Retrieved from
14th August, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Julie!!

    Great blog and an awesome YouTube video. I think podcasting and vodcasting have great potential in the classroom. What do think this technology could be used for by teachers? Could they use it to enhance learning? I was thinking about this and I though about how great podcasts or vodcast would be for giving instructions to students for tasks. These scaffolding instructions could be collected by students for their use at home to complete tasks. Just a thought. Let me know what you think!

    Cheers, Pete
