Monday, July 13, 2009

My Temperament

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

After completing the questionairre on url:

I was a ESFJ which is a guardian.

All Guardians (SJs) share the following core characteristics:
Guardians pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working.
Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders.
Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions. Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice.

This information came from 'The Jung Typology Test' this tool could be utilised within the classroom to allow students to discover their individual strengths and weaknesses. This would enable the students to focus on what skills they need to practice and improve on. For example: Social skills if a student improved thier social skills their may be a stronger team member when it comes to oral presentations, debates or just collaborative learning environments (Quenck, 1999.)

Quenck,N. Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

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