Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogs for Teachers and Students

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Blogging and using it as an educational tool

After reading up on blogging and how it can be used in different ways, I think that using Blogging from a teacher's perspective can be used for Tracking of assessments, Planning class events using students ideas and feedback, Using Blogs to encourage higher order thinking among students on various topics posted in new threads from the teacher and being able to watch the responses form the students as well as being able to categorise and manage the learning content to be present to students. Blogs can be very useful to teachers if created with careful planning and providing clear objectives (Williams and Jacobs, 2004.)

For students Blogging is a tool that can enhance collaborative learning and thinking in an engaging and social constructisvt environment as well as allowing students to provide feedback or ask questions on a variety of topics, as well as a way of practicing digital literacy (Williams and Jacobs, 2004.)


Williams, J B and Jacobs, J (2004): Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 20 (2): 232-247.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that Blogs are a way that students can enhance their collaborative learning skills. It not only allows for students to provide feedback but it also allows for students to interlink their ideas with other people by commenting on their views and how they looked at the topic.
