Thursday, July 9, 2009

Google Reader / Rss Aggregator

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Google reader is a tool that can be used by teacher and students to subscribe to various sites that are related to relevant KLA's or topics of interest that may be current in the classroom environment. This tool will save time as teacher and students can check for up to date information on one site insted of searching on various sites.

It is also another form of booking favourite websites, with the abilities to mark read and unread material so that users are not rereading old information. This tool brings the information to you you do not have to look for it.

Great for students that have a large subscription to educationl sites for research for assessments.

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

Google Reader Team (tutorial)

1 comment:

  1. On Friday I listened to three motivational speakers and their success within their chosen field. The underlying theme was leadership and how we as teachers are leaders within the classroom. Every day I am thankful for being the person I am because I have become a leader and am proud of my role in life. I was given gifts to share and a mission to help others. This journey is ever evolving and ICT is just one area. Ours is not to be scared of the changes but to embrace them so we can share with others. What a wonderful reason to get up in the morning.
