Monday, July 13, 2009

My Learning Style

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

This is my learning style...

MY Results
These are the results of your inventory. The scores are out of 20 for each style. A score of 20 indicates you use that style often.
Style Scores
Visual - 15
Social - 17
Physical - 16
Aural - 15
Verbal - 16
Solitary -17
Logical - 16

Memletic Learning Styles Graph:

My results are quite similar I am a hands on learner and enjoy working with others.

This is a great tool for teachers to use to check what type of learners may be in their classroom to assist with the managing and organising resources and what strategies to use when planning lessons to assist students to achieve learning outcomes.

This is an authentic tool that students use by making choices and is a reflection of a multiple of perspectives.
You can access this website by clicking on the title ( My Learning Style)

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!


  1. I too had a very similiar pattern to you when I completed the test. I found there were no real surprises in this for me. What about you, any surprises? I would love to trial these tools in the classroom as one of the first 'get to know you' tools before I even start the unit. I think that if you can 'pidgeon hole' people first then you have a fair chance of engaging them in the learning environment.

  2. I was much the same I think. But also no surprises for me. I think this would be a very good tool to use in the classroom too. How would you use this tool? What year levels do you think you would be able to use it with? I'm interested to hear how you could work it into the students learning.
    Cheers, Pete.
