Monday, July 20, 2009

My video

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
Please see the video that we made in our tute today... A little different...Enjoy...

This was made from a Windows Movie Maker Program that is straightforward for students to use. This tool could be used by students for reflections, assessment or record of research. This is an engaging tool that students can practice using their own initiative and tap into their creative side to create meaningful movies.

Windows Movie Maker can also be used by teachers to present new information to the students in an engaging, interesting and exciting way. Students that can see their teacher involved in a 'movie' will engage in learning as students will want to be in a movie as well. This is a collaborative tool that is engaging and allows students to make choices for themselves about the finished product.

I have added a powerpoint from for you to watch that shows you how easy it can be to incorporate this ICT tool within your classroom.


Oliver, R. (1999), Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education 20(2), p.240-254
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999), Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 14, 2009. from:

'Till next time,
Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Julie!!

    Great movie. It was a lot of fun to make. I was just wondering if you could offer an opinion as to what grades the Movie Maker tool would be suitable for. It would be a great tool to use in a lower primary classroom I think. It would have to be a lot more teacher completed, but I think it could be great to make a movie with the students and get them to say some of the interesting things they have found out during the learning of a unit, or even to act out small stories that they have written.

    Its a great tool I think.

    Cheers, Pete
