Monday, August 17, 2009

Static Websites

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

A static web site is like an online brochure giving information about your organisation, your products, services and contacts. It normally does not contain interactive functionality, and updates to content and images are done by a web developer with HTML skills (Multibase, 2008.)

The content of a static website can only be modified by the web developer. Static Website can be seen as online brochures or catalogues (BDigital, 2005.)

Static websites are used by companies to provide information about thier business, product descriptions and information about the services that they offer. They also provide contact details so that customers can enquiry about any extra information that they may need (BDigital, 2005.)

Advantages of a static web site are:
Can be developed fast when small
May be cheaper for initial development if small
Pages are often delivered fast because the HTML code for each page is very simple (Multibase, 2008.)

Disadvantages of a static web site are:
Information becomes rapidly outdated. This might damage your image rather than help it
An unchanging site is not be friendly for search engines as one with changing content
Does not encourage visitors to return for the latest information, and they may wonder whether you are an active business
If there are many pages, the initial investment can be higher than a dynamic web site
Static web sites can be expensive to maintain, once you start updating them. You will need to pay a developer for even minor changes
Static web sites are prone to errors. The larger the site becomes, the more difficult it is to maintain and you end up with dead links or other technical errors
The value of the initial investment may be lost if, like most web site owners, you decide to replace it in the future with a more interactive site(Multibase, 2008.)

This is a tool that I would not use too often as it has too many disadvantages compared to advantages and I would not want to waste resource funds.


BDigital 2005,

Multibase WebAustralis, 2008,

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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