Monday, August 17, 2009

Legal, Safe and Ethical practice

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Legal, safe and ethical practice online is a major concern that teachers need to be aware of if when using ICT's within their classroom. Classroom teachers are also responsible for ensuring that students are safe whilst using any ICT and are liable for anything that may happen when online that causes harm, discomfort or distress to their students (Education Queensland, 2009.)

Therefore it is imperitave that teachers stay current with the laws of operating online. Main points to remember while operating online is the 10% rule: For most sites and CD-Roms 10% can be copied, printed, downloaded, published or shown (in the classroom and on computers) (Education Queensland, 2009.)

Educational Purposes rule: If teachers are using resources for educational purposes then it is suitable.
Reference: Relevant information that is taken from somewhere else and is not original must be referenced.
Consent: If students' work or pictures are to be displayed online then a consent form must be signed by the parent or guardian.
Netiquette: Teachers and students need to be clear of the boundaries when commenting on others work or images.
Quality Assured: Education Queensland has sites that are quality assured so that no unwanted content is accessed by the students. These sites are unavaibale to all education computers and cannot be accessed at all.(Education Queensland, 2009.)


Education Queensland, 2009. Retrieved 12 August, 2009. From:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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