Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Slideshare is a website that anyone can 'share' their powerpoints with the rest of the world. The concept of slideshare is very similiar to YouTube. A place where you can share something that you have created and in this case it is powerpoints and use if it suits the need of the seeker.This tool could be used for:

Publish their own created powerpoints
Use this site to submit Powerpoints for assessment

Can access students' work at any time to check how their task is progressing and to ascertain which students may require help
Save time by using prepared powerpoints for lessons

This tool has a disadvantange which is similar to wikis and that is that anyone can add anything they want to powerpoints displayed on slideshare. This type of occurance would cause your students to access content that you do not believe suitable for school aged children.

As a teacher I would sparingly use this particular tool in the classroom for students. I would personally use it more so I could find powerpoints for students to use rather then for students search and upload their own.

Slideshare hosts services for PowerPoint presentations, sharing web-sites, provides social activities such as commenting and grouping and is an extensive source to teacher information sharing and collaboration.


Commonwealth of Asutraslia, 2008. Designing and implementing E-Learning, Retrieved 14th August, 2009, from:

'Til next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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