Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Classmarker is a site where you can create online quizzes for any Key Learning Area. Any teacher can utilise this site to create exciting online quizzes/tests that can be used for formative of summative assessment for any student.

The quizzes can be link directly to a website or email, and can contain random quiz questions and set time limits. The quiz results are also emailed to the quiz owner, images can be added to quizzes. Quizzes include: multiple choice, true false, free text, short answer, fill in the blank and punctuation.

Teachers can also provide resources that students need to complete the test and add them to a folder. Students can create their own quizzes for any Key Learning Area or gather information for an assignment.

This site encourages students to make choices and work collaboratively.


ClassMarker, 2009,

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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