Sunday, August 16, 2009

Interactive Whiteborads

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Classroom interaction between pupil and teacher is important, but so is interaction between pupil and technology. Interactive whiteboards (IWB) are becoming increasingly useful with a wide range of software to help teachers to scaffold various Key Learing Areas in new and stimulating ways.

An interactive whiteboard is a whiteboard that is used via a computer and projector connection. Interactive whiteboards allow for student and teacher to adjust work as they are going and can be used to cater for all different types of learning styles. They also allow for learning to be moved from teacher directed to student directed learning.

This YouTube clip describes interactive whiteboards can be used effectively within in a classroom.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


  1. Hello Julie,

    I was just reading through your blog on Interactive Whiteboards and i was wondering if you have used this tool in the classroom. In your opinion, is this an effective tool to use with a whole class or is it better for small group studies? I was just think that if while some students are interacting with the teacher and the whiteboard what happens to the rest of the class? How do you think you could overcome this?
    Great blog and YouTube clip! I found them very interesting and I would love to see these tools used more in the classroom. :D

    Cheers, Pete

  2. Hi Jules,
    I am responding to Pete's question about the functionality of the interractive whiteboard. I have used this form of technology in a classroom and found it to be very useful for a whole class discussion. Not only was it interractive, but the students' were engaged the whole time as they were keen to use it themselves. I noticed also, that it was used for a lower level group who needed extra tuirion. The teacher was able to put up the necessities of the lesson and the teacher-aid followed on from there. I thought it was a good time/saver, better for the environment being dust free, and promoted collaborative learning. I hope i am previliged enough to have one in my future classrooms.

    Dorris - Tiff
