Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Ning has a Home Page as well as other pages that can be included such as chat rooms, forum rooms, blog pages, members pages, pages for pictures and videos, and discussion rooms.

This site can be used by students to upload their work and creations of any sort, as well as a class newsletter to inform students on what is happening within the classroom. Ning can be for students to work on their assignments and then the teacher can watch their progress (formative assessment).

It can also be utilised to set up a WebQuest for a unit of work that is taking place in the classroom as it can be used to host all the relevant information provided. Students' parents can access ning to view the progress of their child. This site can also be used within the whole school context also with each teacher having access and sharing their resources and ideas. This site you would have to have password protected so that it is quality insured and no one form that public can post anything that is unsuitable.

Ning is a site that has multiple communication tools and is like a "project room" in the learning place (

"Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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