Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mahara Account / E.Portfolio

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

E-Portfolios can be used for a variety of reasons from a collection of academic achievement of students throughout a unit to a complex professional portfolio. E-Portfolios are managed by the user and can contain various types of evidence such as photos, voice recordings, videos, documents, PowerPoints and hyperlinks just to name a few.

E-Portfolios allow their users to compile information that they believe is important for the purpose of the folio. E-Portfolios sites (Mahara) are an excellent resource that teachers can utilise in the classroom in many ways.

E - portfolios can be used to compile evidence on a students learning journey throughout a unit, they can be used to compile evidence on how a students is progressing over the school year, they can be used by the students for assignment purposes, and they can be used for moderation purposes in the classroom.

E-Portfolios are a collection of work and information that represents an individuals' efforts, progress and achievements over time. An E-Portfolio indicates evidence of the attainment of knowledge, skills and attitudes, includes self-reflection, and is a effective tool for facilitating life-long learning as well as career development.


Miers, J. (2005). Professional eportfolios in Education: A definition. Retrieved August 12, 2009. from:

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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