Sunday, August 16, 2009

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are sites such as Blackboard and Moodle and are used by course coordinators, tutors and teachers to upload course content and any resources or activities that they want their students to access. Learning Management Systems offer a single platform that delivers content, manages assessment, provides communication forums and virtual collaboration spaces for students.

Learning Management Systems can be set up for students to access unit content, project content or WebQuests and many more applications. Teachers can upload Voki's and other interactive learning activities that can create further engagement and excitement for students in their learning.

Learning Management Systems can cater to different educational requirements as well as virtual learning environments that are used by educational institutions. The virtual learning environment could be used by teachers to manage their content and exchange information with students for a Key Learning Area / unit that in most cases will last several weeks and will meet several times during those weeks.

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Wikipedia, 2009. Learning Management Systems, Retrieved 14th August, 2009 from:

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