Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Voki allows users to create talking avatars for a wide variety of uses.Voki characters can be embedded into blogs or websites and can be utilised as a way of greeting their readers. Voki users are able to choose the appearance of their character.

When students or teachers are creating vokis they are able to select from a variety of options for inputting voice (including microphone or text-to-speech), backgrounds are able to be customised to create a sense of a personal environment, with options including pre-loaded environments or the ability to upload images (great for integration into travel blogs, for example).

The use of Vokis in the classroom would be interesting as it is a tool that students can create and express themselves with. The program itself is very interesting and easy to use, and could be integrated into any curriculum. The special thing that I can see this tool doing is allowing students with any speech disabilities to be able to interact and express themselves and let their voice be heard.

Log on and have a go!

Get a Voki now!

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!


Vanderloos, B., Slattery, C., and Modra, M. 2008, Computers in Education Retreived 15th August, 2009 from:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie,

    I had not really thought about this tool as a means for students with speach dificulties to present information and findings. That was a great idea. Do you have any other ideas on how they could be used in the classroom? Or even which learning phases or even grades they would be best for? I was using this tool recently and found that I could only type limited amounts of text into the avatars speach box, does this change if you become a member do you know? I was just thinking if it could be used as a part of an assessment presentation and wondered if more text could be spoken.

    Great blog jules!

    Cheers, Pete
