Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

Flickr is an online storage site for images that can be uploaded by anyone who has an account with flickr. This is a great resource for students as it provides a number of pictures which can be borrowed for use. Flickr can be easily used to upload important images taken of students work during the span of a unit to be used in a final assessment task.

The site is easily accessible and easy to use for most students without the need for excessive amounts of teacher input it also invites student collaboration and participation. Students would however need to be taught about copyright laws and protection which may inhibit them from using images that are not their own.

I think this could be a great site for storing images for students to access not only at school, but also at home. This is a valuable resource for students and would also allow groups to see things from different perspectives as other groups post different pictures on the site.

I have found great tips on this site Using in the Classroom

'Till next Time,
Happy Blogging!

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